Just stop and stare…

Have you ever wondered where you would end up if you got on a bus, went five stops, took the time to stop and stare, and then catch the next bus which comes along and go six stops and so forth…?

Well, the answer is you can find sights and sounds you never knew before.

So, taking myself off to London – I came across these.

And yes, I’ve been past these places countless times but always too busy to stop and stare…would recommend it! You’ll be surprised at what you see!

Union Street
Southwark War Memorial
Winchester Palace – yes, it’s in London!
A bit of trickery with a few decorations!
Dirty Lane – new one on me!
Olivier Monument
Gladstone memorial
And the Snowman in London
That used to be my office back in the day!
All that’s left of the old Stock Exchange
And a bit of fun at the Royal Courts of Justice!

And how many have you been past and not noticed?